Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Anti Human Trafficking Laws finally in effect

65,000 children were lured into the sex trade in California between 2009 and 2010, yet only 13 people were ever sent to prison human traffic during that time. 

On Monday September 24th. 2012 Governor Jerry Brown has  signed legislation to help prevent sex trafficking crimes involving minors in California.

This bill gives prosecutors new tools to help ensure that criminals who are convicted of sex trafficking crimes are denied access to the resources, equipment, and cash flow that would allow them to operate and commit future crimes.

“With this new law, California prosecutors and law enforcement officials will be able to seize assets of human traffickers, cripple their operations and aid victims,” said Attorney General Kamala D. Harris. “Human trafficking is big business in California. It is a high profit criminal industry that is expanding rapidly across the globe, including here in California.”  The bill goes into effect on January 1, 2013.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Interview: Monique Lessan Her life and her fight against Human Trafficking

Currently over 160 countries the world over are affected by human trafficking. The United States is both a source country and a receiving country. There are still open sex slavery cases in every single state. Additionally, close to 2,000 children go missing in the United States on a daily basis. Monique Lessan, a private investigator out of Northern California, has made it her mission to put an end to both of these looming problems.
Monique was born to a strong and courageous woman in Tehran, Iran. Her mother, at 16, became one of Tehran’s first police women. She served for over 25 years and was honored by being made a captain. Monique later moved to France and then  the United States. At 24, Monique has the misfortune of being kidnapped herself. Luckily for children all over, she escaped and in 1993 she became a licensed P.I.
While Ms. Lessan has worked on many cases throughout her career—from background checks to gathering evidence of adultery—her focus turned to child recovery in 1996. Since then she has been around the world working to return children to the safety of their families. Now Lessan is taking things one step further. “My focus became locating missing children because I was kidnapped I’ve learned many  hard lessons and now I want to pass them on to the younger people. Make them aware of their surroundings.” she says.
Monique started a program—recently approved as a non-profit—called Teens Against Human Trafficking. She began by working with a group of students at Healdsburg High School, educating them about the facts of human trafficking and discussing the dangers and how to prevent it. The students then made 3 videos about human trafficking and presented them to over 300 of their peers. You can view their videos here:
Monique also was able to get the group of students air time on a local radio station. She was extremely proud and impressed at the knowledge they had accrued. “I got them on the radio and they were talking about sex trafficking as if they were experts.” Monique has since gotten to see her educational efforts take effect. “They had never thought of those ways of avoiding and deterring sex trafficking until this project. Now they know. They tell their friends,  Don’t get into that car.’ Or, ‘ when you go hiking, pay attention to your surroundings and don’t get lost on your iPod because you don’t know who’s behind you.’ … Now they know to pass on the information.” Working with kids and watching them spread the massages they have learned has been her most memorable experience.
Now that her organization has been granted non-profit status, Monique Lessan hopes to see it grow in the future. She recognizes what a huge role the media plays in our everyday lives and wants to use it to further her message. “I want to use the media to take on a bigger scale and level, if at all possible, because that’s the only way. That’s why I’m writing books about the subject and speak in high schools to the students to bring awareness to them ”
And Monique has not forgotten about all of the children that go missing every day. A big goal for Ms. Lessan is to produce a show in the vein of America’s Most Wanted. She and her teams of investigators recover lost children live and also take donations from supporters to be used to rescue missing children at no cost to their families. When costs for retrieving a missing child are $30,000 minimum, this would be an enormous help to families everywhere.
When talking with teens, Monique stresses the little things that can keep you safe such as never accepting a drink from an open container and never getting into a car with someone unless you have known them  well for years. One of her most important pieces of advice is, “Never be a victim. Whatever you do, always just protect yourself. Know your options. Knowledge is the truth and truth is knowledge. So if you know your options and you know what’s going on, you will never become a victim. And never have a victim mentality.”

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Monique's True rescue stories of Missing Children

An American Child Betrayed in Thailand 

Monique travels to Bangkok, Thailand to recover a little girl who was kidnapped by her mother and deliver her safely to her father in the United States. The mother had kidnapped her during a visitation and brought her to her home country, where she intended to sell her daughter to traffickers for drug money. Monique worked with a local PI to conduct surveillance on the mother’s parent’s house hoping it would lead to the girl. The child was being held by human traffickers, but once Monique located her, a successful plan was hatched to grab the child and return her to her father.

Friday, April 27, 2012

My True Stories of Missing Children rescues

The Girl Without a Soul
Monique handles one of the toughest cases of her career: the sexual abuse of a five-year-old-girl at the hands of her father and his friend. The girl’s mother, a drug addict, provided no protection. As the mother talks casually about the incident Monique reflects back to her own abuse. Monique fought in courts against the parents, went head-to-head against a disinterested court system and social service agencies and eventually prevailed. Over the years she kept in touch with the foster family that eventually took the child in and helped them legally adopt her.  

Saturday, March 31, 2012

How do I report human trafficking?

Eye Investigate

If a child is in urgent need of assistance, contact law enforcement or child protective services to report abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child. The Childhelp® National Child Abuse Hotline professional crisis counselors can connect a caller with a local number to report abuse. Contact Childhelp at 1.800.4.A.CHILD. (1.800.422.4453). 
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children® (NCMEC) aims to prevent child abduction and sexual exploitation; help find missing children; and assist victims of child abduction and sexual exploitation, their families, and the professionals who serve them. Contact NCMEC at 1.800.THE.LOST (1.800.843.5678). 

The HHS-funded National Human Trafficking Resource Center (NHTRC) operates a hotline 24 hours a day, every day. The NHTRC will help callers identify and coordinate with local organizations that protect and serve victims of trafficking. Contact the NHTRC at 1.888.3737.888. 

Or call Monique Lessan @ 707-395-0215/858-568-4972
or email:

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Friends and Fans of Monique Lessan: 

We are HONORED to have her speaking at this very important conference being held for a very important cause. Please take a moment to view this short vid about it, and if you think it's as important as Monique and I do, then please pass it on. 

With many thanks, Patricia Women's Power Strategy Conference - March 24, 2012 San Domenico School, San Anselmo, CA

Female Private Investigator Monique Lessan

Female Private Investigator Monique Lessan

Child Slavery Today
27 million people worldwide are slaves.
8.4 million of them are children with the largest numbers in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and Nepal.
1.8 million children are forced into prostitution or pornography with the largest numbers in India, Brazil, Thailand, and the Philippines.
The average age of a girl forced into sexual slavery is 13.
A girl in a brothel is forced to service up to 20 clients a day.
Children as young as 5 years old are sold into sexual slavery and forced to work in brothels.
Each year 1.2 million more children are forced into slavery. That’s over 3,000 a day.
Child slaves are forced to work in prostitution, agriculture, domestic servitude, mines, rice mills, brick kilns, factories, rock quarries, and as soldiers.
Child slaves are often forced to work up to 15 hours a day.