Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sex Slavery/Trafficking: Frequently Asked Questions

What is trafficking?What is sex slavery/trafficking?
Who trafficks women and girls? How are women trafficked?
Who purchases trafficked women and girls?
What is the impact of sex trafficking?

What is trafficking? A $32 billion annual industry, trafficking is a type of slavery that involves the transport or trade of people for the purpose of work. According to the U.N., about 2.5 million people around the world are ensnared in the web of human trafficking at any given time.
Trafficking impacts people of all backgrounds, and people are trafficked for a variety of purposes. Men are often trafficked into hard labor jobs, while children are trafficked into labor positions in textile, agriculture and fishing industries. Women and girls are typically trafficked into the commercial sex industry, i.e. prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation.
Not all slaves are trafficked, but all trafficking victims are victims of slavery. Trafficking is a particularly cruel type of slavery because it removes the victim from all that is familiar to her, rendering her completely isolated and alone, often unable to speak the language of her captors or fellow victims.
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What is sex slavery/trafficking? Sex trafficking or slavery is the exploitation of women and children, within national or across international borders, for the purposes of forced sex work. Commercial sexual exploitation includes pornography, prostitution and sex trafficking of women and girls, and is characterized by the exploitation of a human being in exchange for goods or money. Each year, an estimated 800,000 women and children are trafficked across international borders—though additional numbers of women and girls are trafficked within countries.
Some sex trafficking is highly visible, such as street prostitution. But many trafficking victims remain unseen, operating out of unmarked brothels in unsuspecting—and sometimes suburban—neighborhoods. Sex traffickers may also operate out of a variety of public and private locations, such as massage parlors, spas and strip clubs.
Adult women make up the largest group of sex trafficking victims, followed by girl children, although a small percentage of men and boys are trafficked into the sex industry as well.
Trafficking migration patterns tend to flow from East to West, but women may be trafficked from any country to another country at any given time and trafficking victims exist everywhere. Many of the poorest and most unstable countries have the highest incidences of trafficking, and extreme poverty is a common bond among trafficking victims. Where economic alternatives do not exist, women and girls are more vulnerable to being tricked and coerced into sexual servitude. Increased unemployment and the loss of job security have undermined women's incomes and economic position. A stalled gender wage gap, as well as an increase in women's part-time and informal sector work, push women into poorly-paid jobs and long-term and hidden unemployment, which leaves women vulnerable to traffickers.
According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), Thailand, China, Nigeria, Albania, Bulgaria, Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine are among the countries that are the greatest sources of trafficked persons. The UNODC cites Thailand, Japan, Israel, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Italy and the United States as common destination countries of trafficked women and girls.
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Who trafficks women and girls? Organized crime is largely responsible for the spread of international human trafficking. Sex trafficking—along with its correlative elements, kidnapping, rape, prostitution and physical abuse—is illegal in nearly every country in the world. However, widespread corruption and greed make it possible for sex trafficking to quickly and easily proliferate. Though national and international institutions may attempt to regulate and enforce anti-trafficking legislation, local governments and police forces may in fact be participating in sex trafficking rings.
Why do traffickers traffic? Because sex trafficking can be extremely lucrative, especially in areas where opportunities for education and legitimate employment may be limited. According to the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), the greatest numbers of traffickers are from Asia, followed by Central and Southeastern Europe, and Western Europe. Crime groups involved in the sex trafficking of women and girls are also often involved in the transnational trafficking of drugs and firearms, and frequently use violence as a means of carrying out their activities.
One overriding factor in the proliferation of trafficking is the fundamental belief that the lives of women and girls are expendable. In societies where women and girls are undervalued or not valued at all, women are at greater risk for being abused, trafficked, and coerced into sex slavery. If women experienced improved economic and social status, trafficking would in large part be eradicated.
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How are women trafficked? Women and girls are ensnared in sex trafficking in a variety of ways. Some are lured with offers of legitimate and legal work as shop assistants or waitresses. Others are promised marriage, educational opportunities and a better life. Still others are sold into trafficking by boyfriends, friends, neighbors or even parents.
Trafficking victims often pass among multiple traffickers, moving further and further from their home countries. Women often travel through multiple countries before ending at their final destination. For example, a woman from the Ukraine may be sold to a trafficker in Turkey, who then passes her on to a trafficker in Thailand. Along the way she becomes confused and disoriented.
Typically, once in the custody of traffickers, a victim's passport and official papers are confiscated and held. Victims are told they are in the destination country illegally, which increases victims' dependence on their traffickers. Victims are often kept in captivity and also trapped into debt bondage, whereby they are obliged to pay back large recruitment and transportation fees before being released from their traffickers. Many victims report being charged additional fines or fees while under bondage, requiring them to work longer to pay off their debts.
Trafficking victims experience various stages of degradation and physical and psychological torture. Victims are often deprived of food and sleep, are unable to move about freely, and are physically tortured. In order to keep women captive, victims are told their families and their children will be harmed or murdered if they (the women) try to escape or tell anyone about their situation. Because victims rarely understand the culture and language of the country into which they have been trafficked, they experience another layer of psychological stress and frustration. Often, before servicing clients, women are forcibly raped by the traffickers themselves, in order to initiate the cycle of abuse and degradation. Some women are drugged in order to prevent them from escaping. Once “broken in,” sex trafficked victims can service up to 30 men a day, and are vulnerable to sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection and unwanted pregnancy.
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Who purchases trafficked women and girls?
Many believe that sex trafficking is something that occurs “somewhere else.” However, many of the biggest trafficking consumers are developed nations, and men from all sectors of society support the trafficking industry. There is no one profile that encapsulates the “typical” client. Rather, men who purchase trafficked women are both rich and poor, Eastern and Western. Many are married and have children, and in some cases, as was reported in one New York Times article, men have sex with trafficked girls in lieu of abusing their own young children.
One reason for the proliferation of sex trafficking is because in many parts of the world there is little to no perceived stigma to purchasing sexual favors for money, and prostitution is viewed as a victimless crime. Because women are culturally and socially devalued in so many societies, there is little conflict with the purchasing of women and girls for sexual services. Further, few realize the explicit connection between the commercial sex trade, and the trafficking of women and girls and the illegal slave trade. In western society in particular, there is a commonly held perception that women choose to enter into the commercial sex trade. However, for the majority of women in the sex trade, and specifically in the case of trafficked women and girls who are coerced or forced into servitude, this is simply not the case.
In addition, sex tourism—that is, the practice of traveling or vacationing for the purpose of having sex—is a billion dollar industry that further encourages the sexual exploitation of women and girls. Many sex tours explicitly feature young girls. The tours are marketed specifically to pedophiles who prey on young children, and men who believe that having sex with virgins or young girls will cure sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). Often, these men spread HIV and other STDs to their young victims, creating localized disease epidemics.
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What is the impact of sex trafficking?Trafficking has a harrowing effect on the mental, emotional and physical wellbeing of the women and girls ensnared in its web. Beyond the physical abuse, trafficked women suffer extreme emotional stress, including shame, grief, fear, distrust and suicidal thoughts. Victims often experience post-traumatic stress disorder, and with that, acute anxiety, depression and insomnia. Many victims turn to drugs and alcohol to numb the pain.
Sex trafficking promotes societal breakdown by removing women and girls from their families and communities. Trafficking fuels organized crime groups that usually participate in many other illegal activities, including drug and weapons trafficking and money laundering. It negatively impacts local and national labor markets, due to the loss of human resources. Sex trafficking burdens public health systems. And trafficking erodes government authority, encourages widespread corruption, and threatens the security of vulnerable populations.
The TOP 3 Reasons You Will Lose Your House, Spouse and Money If You Don’t Hire a Private Investigator!

A Private Investigator today is not like the P.I.’s on T.V. They actually do an abundance of activities that go from the mundane, background checks for corporations, to the exciting, child abduction recovery. Hiring a P.I. is simple, most people believe it costs too much or they just don’t know where to go to get their services.

Costs are reasonable and you can find P.I.’s is all of the common places – Yellow Pages, Google, referrals etc. But why would you want to hire a P.I. and what do their services entail? Here are the Top 5 reasons people hire P.I.’s and what the services should include – so you have a checklist to review as you hire any potential P.I. for your needs;


Who would need to conduct a background check to ensure their safety (monetary or physical safety):

Human Resources Departments at large or small corporations – an new employee could potentially be bringing some bad habits or issues with them that could potentially cost you tens of thousands of dollars in losses, lawsuits and/or lost man-hours of work.
Parents who are looking to hire a live-in Nanny – will your children be safe with the person who is watching them? Do they have the certifications that you are requiring? A check can also determine any previous issues with past clients.
Homeowners or business owners who are looking to hire a general contractor for work – this is a big one. Are they true to their word? The contractor may have a background of overrunning job budgets or not finishing on time. They may also have outstanding liens against their company based on work that was not completed or previous project issues.
A family member who is looking into care facilities for elderly loved ones to ensure that they will be getting the best care possible – again if someone is taking care of a loved one, especially elder care, what are their certifications and are they current as described.
Dating someone on line – this is fast becoming one of the most researched fields for P.I.’s due to horror stories you hear about meeting people online and then having the person you thought they were turn into someone else.
Business ventures with a new partner – a new business venture is a touchy subject and a persons past can definitely affect the future of any relationship, especially if you are now venturing forth as partners. Find out what you can before the ink dries.

An extensive background check from a reputable source will include:
Bankruptcies, liens & Judgments Search
Business License
Cellular Phone Number Search
Civil History
Corporate & Limited Partnership Filing Search
Credential Verification
Criminal History Database
Criminal History On-Site
Drivers History
Education Verification
Employment Verification
Federal Civil History
Federal Criminal History
Fictitious Business Name Search
Fire Arms Search
License Plate or VIN Search
Media Searches
National Criminal Index Database Search
National Death Locator
OFAC (Office of Foreign Asset Control)
Officers/Directors Records Search
Personal Reference Verification
Phone - landline Number Search
Professional License Verification
Real Property Ownership Search
Sex Offender Search
Social Security Trace
Toll Free Number Search
UCC Filing Search
Utility Search
Vehicle and Vessel Search
Voter Registration
Watercraft Search
Workers’ Comp. Filing Search
Terrorist – Multinational Search


A private investigator is able to track real estate records and registered personal property belonging to any subject. Real estate records include assessor, deed, refinance and foreclosure records. Personal property records include aircraft, watercraft and stock ownership records for shareholders holding at least 10% of stock in public companies including the directors and top executive officers. the nationwide Asset Search also include tax Liens, judgments, notices of default, bankruptcies, lawsuits, business asset search, business credit check, business records, jury verdicts, news/media search and much more.
Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another individual's personal data in a way that involves fraud or deception, typically for economic gain. Unlike fingerprints, which are unique to an individual and cannot be given to someone else for their use, personal data—especially Social Security numbers, bank account or credit card numbers, telephone calling card numbers, and other valuable identifying data—can be used by someone to personally profit at the victim's expense.
Unauthorized persons take funds out of others' bank or financial accounts or take over their identities altogether, running up debts and committing crimes while using the victims' names. A victim's losses may include not only out-of-pocket financial losses, but additional costs associated with trying to restore his reputation in the community and correcting erroneous information about his financial or personal status.
The most common form of identity theft is when someone obtains the Social Security number (SSN) and perhaps a few other pieces of information about an individual, and uses that information to impersonate them and obtain credit in their name. The imposter might apply for credit, rent an apartment, get phone service, buy a car -- and then not pay the bills, giving the victim a bad credit rating. Victims must then spend months and typically years regaining their financial health.

Private investigators can help you with your complaint to the proper law enforcement authorities by providing a declaration as to the search, which you can use with both law enforcement and your creditors. This process should help expedite the process of straightening out problems with creditors.

UN peace keepers in Ivory Coast are raping children they are suppose to protect

A 13-year-old girl described to the BBC how 10 UN peacekeepers gang-raped her in a field near her Ivory Coast home, and left her bleeding, trembling and vomiting on the ground.
No action has been taken against the soldiers.
The report also found that aid workers have been sexually abusing boys and girls.
After research involving hundreds of children from Ivory Coast, southern Sudan and Haiti, the charity said better reporting mechanisms needed to be introduced to deal with what it called "endemic failures" in responding to reported cases of abuse.
It also said efforts should be made to strengthen worldwide child protection systems.
"It's a minority of people but they are using their power to sexually exploit children and children that don't have the voice to report about this.
"They are suffering sexual exploitation and abuse in silence."
Save the Children says the international community has promised a policy of zero-tolerance to child sexual abuse, but that this is not being followed up by action on the ground.
A UN spokesman, Nick Birnback, said that it was impossible to ensure "zero incidents" within an organisation that has up to 200,000 personnel serving around the world.
He said: "What we can do is get across a message of zero tolerance, which for us means zero complacency when credible allegations are raised and zero impunity when we find that there has been malfeasance that's occurred."
Save the Children said the most shocking aspect of child sex abuse is that most of it goes unreported and unpunished, with children too scared to speak out.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Human Traffciking: The World New Epidemic

Stop Human Trafficking in: Cambodia, China, HongKong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Nicargua, Uzbakestan, Montenegro and the United States of America.
Human trade, slave markets, the buying and selling of people – these are words and phrases that, to many people, echo a brutal and distant time in our past. But to the countless women, men, and children trafficked every year, these words coldly define the horror of their lives. Trafficking is a global phenomenon where victims are sexually exploited, forced into labor and subjected to abuse. Trafficking is a crime under international law that requires international cooperation to address. For example Montenegro is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked internally and internationally for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Urge the authorities of the above countries to ensure that the country's legal framework is in accordance with the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.