Stop Human Trafficking in: Cambodia, China, HongKong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Thailand, Nicargua, Uzbakestan, Montenegro and the United States of America.
Human trade, slave markets, the buying and selling of people – these are words and phrases that, to many people, echo a brutal and distant time in our past. But to the countless women, men, and children trafficked every year, these words coldly define the horror of their lives. Trafficking is a global phenomenon where victims are sexually exploited, forced into labor and subjected to abuse. Trafficking is a crime under international law that requires international cooperation to address. For example Montenegro is a source, transit, and destination country for women and girls trafficked internally and internationally for the purpose of sexual exploitation. Urge the authorities of the above countries to ensure that the country's legal framework is in accordance with the Council of Europe Convention on Action against Trafficking in Human Beings.
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