By Tracie Morales
Press Democrat
Girls and women working as prostitutes on Santa Rosa Avenue are evidence that Human Traffciking is a problem not confined to distant countires, experts said Wednesday July 2nd.
This is a call to awarness, to understand an a call to action.
Santa Rosa police Lt. Nicholas Sensley said during a forum on human traffciking at congregation
Shomrei Torah.
About 250 people heard local, state and national officals and human rights advocates discuss the issue in Sonoma county.
Bobbi Turner, Crisis intervention manger with United against Sexual Assualt in Sonoma County said runaways are the most vonurable.
Most of the women working on Santa Rosa Avenue about 55 percent got started in Human Trafficking, she said.
About 250 people heard local, state an antional officials and human rights advocates discuss the issue in Sonoma County. The event was sponsored by local Soroptimist International of santa Rosa.